This is an extended question to How are ethereum addresses generated?.
In Ethereum, a private key is 256-bit long, but an address is only 160-bit long. By "Pigeonhole Principle", it guarantees that some unique private keys map to the same address. Theoretically, 2 ** 96
unique private keys maps to one address on average.
If 2 private keys map to the same address, do they both gain access to the same address? Can they both used to transfer Ether from that address to another?
According to @tayvano's answer, a private key is 256-bit long, and any 256-bit string is a valid private key:
Every single string of 64 hex are, hypothetically, an Ethereum private key that will access an account.
Therefore, there are 2 ** 256
valid private keys (the key space is 2 ** 256
A public key is 512-bit long. However, since each of them is derived from its own private key, there are only 2 ** 256
valid public key, and thus the key space is 2 ** 256
The public key is then feed as the input of Keccak-256
(pre-standard SHA3) hash algorithm. The output of Keccak-256
is a 256-bit string, therefore it could be treated as a one-to-one mapping in key space. (The hash space is 2 ** 256
However, an Ethereum address is obtained from the least significant 160-bit of the Keccak-256
hash. This cuts the key space to 2 ** 160
As a result, the process of generating an address from a private key is a function of a 256-bit value to a 160-bit value, which guarantees duplicates.
2 ** 96
keys work on the same address, or is there any mechanism to distinguish the "real" key from the others.