Web3.js documentation says here that the methods of a smart contract are available through:
- The name: myContract.methods.myMethod
- The name with parameters: myContract.methods['myMethod(uint256)']
- The signature: myContract.methods['0x58cf5f10']
but when i call the method with 2nd and 3rd option, I could not retrieved the value, rather it show lot of signature of objects.. here is my code
async function d () {
var myContAddr = '0x8175036782E9564C084eD1DA6C44C27150F24316';
var myContractAbiDefenition = myAbi;
var myContractInstance = new web3.eth.Contract(myContractAbiDefenition, myContAddr);
tokens = await myContractInstance.methods['0xc4e41b22'].call();
//tokens = await myContractInstance.methods['getTotalSupply()'].call(); // its also give same output
// tokens = await myContractInstance.methods.getTotalSupply().call(); // this gives me required output "Tokens : 6"
console.log("Tokens : ",tokens);
here is my output
Tokens : { call:
{ [Function: bound _executeMethod] request: [Function: bound _executeMethod] },
{ [Function: bound _executeMethod] request: [Function: bound _executeMethod] },
encodeABI: [Function: bound _encodeMethodABI],
estimateGas: [Function: bound _executeMethod],
arguments: [],
{ constant: true,
inputs: [],
name: 'getTotalSupply',
outputs: [ [Object] ],
payable: false,
stateMutability: 'view',
type: 'function',
signature: '0xc4e41b22' },
Contract {
currentProvider: [Getter/Setter],
RequestManager {
provider: [HttpProvider],
providers: [Object],
subscriptions: {} },
givenProvider: null,
{ WebsocketProvider: [Function: WebsocketProvider],
HttpProvider: [Function: HttpProvider],
IpcProvider: [Function: IpcProvider] },
HttpProvider {
host: 'HTTP://',
httpAgent: [Agent],
withCredentials: false,
timeout: 0,
headers: undefined,
connected: false },
setProvider: [Function],
BatchRequest: [Function: bound Batch],
{ [Function: ex]
formatters: [Object],
utils: [Object],
Method: [Function: Method] },
clearSubscriptions: [Function],
options: { address: [Getter/Setter], jsonInterface: [Getter/Setter] },
transactionBlockTimeout: 50,
transactionConfirmationBlocks: 24,
transactionPollingTimeout: 750,
defaultChain: undefined,
defaultHardfork: undefined,
defaultCommon: undefined,
defaultAccount: [Getter/Setter],
defaultBlock: [Getter/Setter],
{ balances: [Function: bound _createTxObject],
'0x27e235e3': [Function: bound _createTxObject],
'balances(address)': [Function: bound _createTxObject],
buyToken: [Function: bound _createTxObject],
'0xa4821719': [Function: bound _createTxObject],
'buyToken()': [Function: bound _createTxObject],
getTotalSupply: [Function: bound _createTxObject],
'0xc4e41b22': [Function: bound _createTxObject],
'getTotalSupply()': [Function: bound _createTxObject],
owner: [Function: bound _createTxObject],
'0x8da5cb5b': [Function: bound _createTxObject],
'owner()': [Function: bound _createTxObject],
setTotalSupply: [Function: bound _createTxObject],
'0xf7ea7a3d': [Function: bound _createTxObject],
'setTotalSupply(uint256)': [Function: bound _createTxObject],
totalSupply: [Function: bound _createTxObject],
'0x18160ddd': [Function: bound _createTxObject],
'totalSupply()': [Function: bound _createTxObject] },
events: { allEvents: [Function: bound ] },
_address: '0x8175036782E9564C084eD1DA6C44C27150F24316',
[ [Object],
[Object] ] },
Accounts {
currentProvider: [Getter/Setter],
RequestManager {
provider: [HttpProvider],
providers: [Object],
subscriptions: {} },
givenProvider: null,
{ WebsocketProvider: [Function: WebsocketProvider],
HttpProvider: [Function: HttpProvider],
IpcProvider: [Function: IpcProvider] },
HttpProvider {
host: 'HTTP://',
httpAgent: [Agent],
withCredentials: false,
timeout: 0,
headers: undefined,
connected: false },
setProvider: [Function],
{ getNetworkId: [Function],
getChainId: [Function],
getGasPrice: [Function],
getTransactionCount: [Function] },
Wallet {
_accounts: [Circular],
length: 0,
defaultKeyName: 'web3js_wallet' } } }