I can obtain all event logs. My code is:

var contractInstance = contract.at("0x123456...789");
var transferEvents = contractInstance.allEvents({fromBlock:0, toBlock:'latest'});

and the output is:

{ address: '0xafe6851c1d9ee2e759acdee8cfc827e22a9ec5d7',
blockHash: '0xe5cdc4ae1e70ad4b4610a1f5a45fb3ff56bc3530f159ab0613ffeb33a7bf9c0a',
blockNumber: 1924935,
logIndex: 3,
transactionHash: '0x2e18ac5cb925b95ec609970e66d566623f446bc67bd0b72aac0a2ca6e96ef128',
transactionIndex: 4,
event: 'Transfer',
 { from: '0xd94c9ff168dc6aebf9b6cc86deff54f3fb0afc33',
   to: '0x414755edffa43707f7d51600edf9ecbe57152a8a',
   value: [Object] } },

But i obtain get Transfer event data

var contractInstance = contract.at("0x123456...789");
var transferEvents = contractInstance.Transfer({fromBlock:0, toBlock:'latest'});

the output is empty.

Is there any problem in my code?

1 Answer 1



var transferEvents = contractInstance.Transfer({}, {fromBlock:0, toBlock:'latest'});

Source: How do I retrieve the Voted events from The DAO

Answer to question in the comment

Q the return seems a long string contain all logs. How can i split them one by one?

(from the same link above) I firstly use JSON.stringify(...) to view the data:

> var theDAOVotedEvent = theDAO.Voted({}, {fromBlock: 1614771, toBlock: 'latest'});
> theDAOVotedEvent.watch(function(error, result){


Once you can see the data, you can reference each field, for example:

  • 1
    It works! So appreciate! Commented Aug 2, 2016 at 5:36
  • the return seems a long string contain all logs. How can i split them one by one? Commented Aug 2, 2016 at 6:02
  • See update to answer Commented Aug 2, 2016 at 6:08
  • I got it. I'm sorry because i'm not familiar with node.js. Sorry for the low level question. Commented Aug 2, 2016 at 6:25
  • 1
    Yup. That will give you the result.args values. Commented Jan 23, 2017 at 12:48

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