For the parity node, the response for getting the transaction trace contain "callType" and "type" which are all "call". But for geth node we only get 'type':'Call'. So I am confused, whats the difference between "callType" and "type"?


 "action": {
  "callType": "call",
  "from": "0x8871759b2530fee82cd1b31c534252a1db707b0b",
  "gas": "0x25ce48",
  "input": "0x3dea52fc000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003e8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000077e772392b600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
  "to": "0x94c0d029a7b64bf443e89c5006089364c0d60d61",
  "value": "0x0"
"blockHash": "0xbe847be2bceb74e660daf96b3f0669d58f59dc9101715689a00ef864a5408f43",
"blockNumber": 6000000,
"result": {
  "gasUsed": "0x2532ed",
  "output": "0x"
"subtraces": 1,
"traceAddress": [],
"transactionHash": "0x626590b434e06b79fdd2187b28a55569f6c0636c6806808beb6ce2c743e88188",
"transactionPosition": 45,
"type": "call"}, 


but for geth node, I got:

  'result': {'type': 'CALL',
  'from': '0x8871759b2530fee82cd1b31c534252a1db707b0b',
  'to': '0x94c0d029a7b64bf443e89c5006089364c0d60d61',
  'value': '0x0',
  'gas': '0x25ce48',
  'gasUsed': '0x2532ed',
  'output': '0x',
  'time': '10.824367485s',

1 Answer 1


To get an answer to this question we can look at the source code for Parity-Ethereum and the documentation for the trace module.

There are two distinct definitions in the source:


/// Action
pub enum Action {
    /// Call
    /// Create
    /// Suicide
    /// Reward


/// Call type.
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
pub enum CallType {
    /// None
    /// Call
    /// Call code
    /// Delegate call
    /// Static call

So here we can see that every trace has an Action (represented by type in the JSON), and if the Action is a Call, then it can have a CallType (represented by calltype).

These are all generally represented by the Ethereum OpCodes:


0xf1    CALL    Message-call into an account    -   Complicated
0xf2    CALLCODE    Message-call into this account with alternative account's code  -   Complicated
0xf4    DELEGATECALL    Message-call into this account with an alternative account's code, but persisting into this account with an alternative account's code  -   Complicated
0xfa    STATICCALL  Similar to CALL, but does not modify state  -   40


0xf0    CREATE  Create a new account with associated code   -   32000
0xff    SELFDESTRUCT    Halt execution and register account for later deletion  -   5000*

Not very sure about Reward, but here suggests it is for uncle and mining rewards.

  • Thanks for your detailed answer! I know this is out of scope, but I wonder what's the difference between Action and Calls and how can I generate the same result in geth node?
    – hao xu
    Commented Dec 7, 2018 at 2:16
  • 1
    What do you mean? A transaction will be the same whether processed by Parity or Geth. The resulting trace json is just a specific implementation of that client. Maybe I misunderstand your goal, are you trying to achieve something specific? Commented Dec 7, 2018 at 2:27
  • My goal is to get the same trace json schema using geth node, as I only have geth node. Then validate the result against parity trace(on etherscan). I have managed to get all the informations except for the trace Action type. In geth node there is only 5 trace call types: CREATE CALL CALLCODE DELEGATECALL SELFDESTRUCT (source code for geth call_tracer). It doesn't seem to match Action type or Calls type in parity trace json.
    – hao xu
    Commented Dec 7, 2018 at 3:04
  • I see references to STATICCALL here, so the only thing missing is Reward, which if you look at the post I linked to at the end, mentions it isn't even publicly used yet. So it does look like you have a one to one mapping here. Commented Dec 7, 2018 at 7:14

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