I am trying to convert amount in wei using web3js
function called toWei()
Here is my code:
var etherwithdrawamount1=web3Infura.utils.toWei(etherwithdrawamount, 'wei');
Now, the problem is that the token amount is not calculating correct, because the token has 2 decimals.
In web3 documentation: https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/1.0/web3-utils.html#towei there is no places for 2 decimals.
number - String|Number|BN: The value.
unit - String (optional, defaults to "ether"): The ether to convert from.
Possible units are :
noether: ‘0’
wei: ‘1’
kwei: ‘1000’
Kwei: ‘1000’
babbage: ‘1000’
femtoether: ‘1000’
mwei: ‘1000000’
Mwei: ‘1000000’
lovelace: ‘1000000’
picoether: ‘1000000’
gwei: ‘1000000000’
Gwei: ‘1000000000’
nanoether: ‘1000000000’
nano: ‘1000000000’
szabo: ‘1000000000000’
microether: ‘1000000000000’
micro: ‘1000000000000’
finney: ‘1000000000000000’
milliether: ‘1000000000000000’
milli: ‘1000000000000000’
ether: ‘1000000000000000000’
So, how to get the correct value in toWei()
where the token decimals are 2?