I am trying to read events from a contract already deployed on the blockchain. The event might return uint which is has the indexed property.
First I was using web3 from metamask and worked normally, but I want to use infura now, independently if the user has metamask or not. So I created the websocket but when I try to read I get this error: Error: Returned values aren't valid, did it run Out of Gas.
Searching on the web some people say is because the returned value from the event has the property indexed, I could change the contract, but do not feel like I should.
Has anyone else came across this type of error?
I am using vue... The way I am calling the event is:
getADN() {
let ADNCreated = this.$store.state.contractADN().getPastEvents('allEvents', {
toBlock: 'latest'
}, function(error, events){ console.log("error:", error); }).then(function(events){
console.log(events) // same results as the optional callback above
As you can see there is nothing much special about it.