Excerpt from page 6 of the yellow white paper:

enter image description here

I can understand the first three definitions, the fourth one is problematic. How does the m function actually work? Maybe I'm not too familiar with formal specification, but I'm specifically confused on the [i,i+1] part. Does it take the bits at position i and i+1 of the hash, sum them up and then apply modulo 2048?

1 Answer 1


Consider the following input

ethereum yellow paper

Consider it's Keccak-256 hash according to this website:


The first three pairs of bytes of Keccak-256 of an input string-


1) {7,f}

low order 11 bits of each of the first three pairs of bytes calculated using this website


Its decimal equivalent calculated using this website is 443. 443%2048 = 443

Bloom filter will set a 443'th bit of 2048 bit sequence.

2) {f,1}

low order 11 bits of each of the first three pairs of bytes calculated using this website


Its decimal equivalent calculated using this website is 817. 817%2048 = 817

Bloom filter will set a 817'th bit of 2048 bit sequence.

3) {1,0}


low order 11 bits of each of the first three pairs of bytes calculated using this website

Its decimal equivalent calculated using this website is 393. 393%2048 = 393

Bloom filter will set a 393'th bit of 2048 bit sequence.

[i,i+1] denotes bytes at position i and i+1

Hope it helps!

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