I have a problem like this. I am very new to solidity stuff. I have created two contracts and I have called a one contract function inside another contract. Here I am providing my contracts.

This is my main contract.

pragma solidity ^0.4.17;

contract TrafficFine{
    struct Officer {
        string firstName ;
        string lastName;
        address account;

    address public manager;
    uint public numberOfOffiers;

    mapping(address=>Officer) public officers;

    modifier restricted(){
        require(msg.sender == manager);      

    constructor () public{
        manager = msg.sender;

    function addOfficer(
        string firstName,
        string lastName,
        address officer) public  restricted{


        Officer  memory newOfficer = Officer({

        officers[officer] = newOfficer;

    function getofficer(address officer) public view returns(address){
        address officer1= officers[officer].account;
        return officer1;


This is my second contract.

contract DriverProfile{
    address watch_adrs=0x8c1eD7e19abAa9f23c476dA86Dc1577F1Ef401f5;

     function doFine(uint offenceID,string location,address officer) public{
         TrafficFine trafficfine = TrafficFine(watch_adrs);


contract TrafficFine{
    function addOfficer(string firstName,string lastName,address officer) public;
    function getOfficer(address officer) public;

When I compile the second DriverProfille contract it gives me an error like this.


Can someone help me to solve this problem?. I search a lot to find a solution to this problem. But I was unable to do nothing to this problem. Thank you!!

1 Answer 1


Your second implementation of TrafficFine does not specify the return value.

Try changing:

function getOfficer(address officer) public;


function getOfficer(address officer) public view returns (address);

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