I'm just starting to program in solidity and deploy smart contracts in a local created blockchain.
I'm trying to deploy a simple smart contract using remix and web3 provider and this error is killing me all time.
Here is my code. I'm simply trying to parse a json file to save it as structs. If you know a better way to do it, it would be great! I'm now using a library from github that I think is usefull for my use case, but I need some help with the code.
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
import 'github.com/chrisdotn/jsmnSol/contracts/JsmnSolLib.sol';
contract MusicalContract {
struct parameters {
string name;
string mr_share;
string pr_share;
string sr_share;
string country;
string walletDir;
//event debugStr(string str);
//event debugInt(uint i);
parameters[] public params;
string public json = '[{"name":"Martin","pr_share":"2","mr_share":"2","sr_share":"2","country":"2101","walletDir":"12345"},{"name":"Ahoj","share":"","walletDir":"2589","pr_share":"2","mr_share":"2","sr_share":"2","country":"36"},{"name":"Cus","share":"","walletDir":"12345","pr_share":"2","mr_share":"3","sr_share":"1","country":"2100"}]';
function MusicalContract(string json) {
function MusCo() public {
uint returnValue;
uint actualNum;
JsmnSolLib.Token[] memory tokens;
string memory jsonElement;
JsmnSolLib.Token memory t;
(returnValue, tokens, actualNum) = JsmnSolLib.parse(json, 200);
for(uint ielement=0; ielement < actualNum-1; ielement++) {
t = tokens[ielement];
jsonElement = JsmnSolLib.getBytes(json, t.start, t.end);
//emit debugStr(jsonElement);
//emit debugInt(ielement);
if(compareStrings(jsonElement, "name")) {
t = tokens[ielement+1];
params[ielement].name = JsmnSolLib.getBytes(json, t.start, t.end);
} else if(compareStrings(jsonElement, "pr_share")) {
t = tokens[ielement+1];
params[ielement].pr_share = JsmnSolLib.getBytes(json, t.start, t.end);
} else if(compareStrings(jsonElement, "mr_share")) {
t = tokens[ielement+1];
params[ielement].mr_share = JsmnSolLib.getBytes(json, t.start, t.end);
} else if(compareStrings(jsonElement, "sr_share")) {
t = tokens[ielement+1];
params[ielement].sr_share = JsmnSolLib.getBytes(json, t.start, t.end);
} else if(compareStrings(jsonElement, "country")) {
t = tokens[ielement+1];
params[ielement].country = JsmnSolLib.getBytes(json, t.start, t.end);
} else if(compareStrings(jsonElement, "walletDir")) {
t = tokens[ielement+1];
params[ielement].walletDir = JsmnSolLib.getBytes(json, t.start, t.end);
function compareStrings (string a, string b) view returns (bool){
return keccak256(a) == keccak256(b); }
function getContractAddress() public view returns (address) {
return this;
} }