First, I install type to the code like npm install web3 in the terminal while the first issue occurs (Environment1).Second, I change the version of nodenpm (like Envirnment 1=> Environment2) and type to the same code npm install web3 is OK (version of web3 is 0.20.6 ). Last, when I invoke web3.eth.methods in my project(Environment2 ),I found the second issue is occuring that this.web3 is defined but the this.web3.eth.methods is undefined in despite of I configure the environment 2 through npm install web3 or yarn add web3 .

Environment1 system:Ubuntu16.04; node:8.9.0; npm:5.6.0;

Issue 1 as fellow the issue describe like /.npm/_cache/tmp/git-clone-da91fc96/.git:Permission denied enter image description here

Environment2 system:Ubuntu16.04; node: 6.11.0; npm: 3.11.0; web3: 0.20.6;

Issue 2 as fellow I type to the code like console.log(this.web3) in project and test through developer tool in Google ,the picture as fellow:

enter image description here

I invoke the contract through var Contract = new this.web3.eth.contract(artifacts.abi,'contract_address'); print the contract in project and test through developer tool in Google ,the picture as fellow:

enter image description here

And I invoke a method like getValue() is undefined and I type to the code console.log(window.escrowContract.methods); display the methods is undefined as fellow:

enter image description here

I don't know whether relationship has between two issue and I look through some articles and tutorials ,their methods don't work on me .And I know the version of web3 under the version1 (https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/1.0/web3-eth.html) ,the method of invoke contract should be var Contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(artifacts.abi,'contract_address'); .But a new issue occurs as fellow ,so I change the C into c .

enter image description here

What's the method can resolve it ?

  • I have resolved this problem through two codes as fellow: 1.npm cache clear --force 2.npm install web3
    – Allen Kris
    Mar 25, 2018 at 8:21
  • Explanation in my opinion as fellow: First, the first issue occurs because cache of npm is filled in my computer ,before I clear the cache of npm ,I operate the npm install web3 in root directory occurs issue .After I do that, the npm install web3 is OK.
    – Allen Kris
    Mar 25, 2018 at 8:22
  • Sencond, before I operate 'npm install web3', I ever install web3 through 'yarn add web3', but after complete installation, issue2 occurs. I feel that install web3 through yarn is half-baked. From then on, I type to two code as I said, the two issues don't occur. These explanation only represent my opinion, I hope it's useful for you.
    – Allen Kris
    Mar 25, 2018 at 8:22

1 Answer 1


I have resolved this problem through two codes as fellow: 1.npm cache clear --force 2.npm install web3

Explanation in my opinion as fellow: First, the first issue occurs because cache of npm is filled in my computer ,before I clear the cache of npm ,I operate the npm install web3 in root directory occurs issue .After I do that, the npm install web3 is OK. Sencond, before I operate 'npm install web3', I ever install web3 through 'yarn add web3', but after complete installation, issue2 occurs. I feel that install web3 through yarn is half-baked. From then on, I type to two code as I said, the two issues don't occur. These explanation only represent my opinion, I hope it's useful for you.

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