Hi I have this error :

transact to Roulette.betSingle errored: Error: gas required exceeds allowance or always failing transaction

My programm :

contract Roulette {

uint public lastRoundTimestamp;
uint public nextRoundTimestamp;

address _creator;
uint _interval;

enum BetType { Single, Odd, Even }

struct Bet {
    BetType betType;
    address player;
    uint number;
    uint value;

Bet[] public bets;

function getBetsCountAndValue() public constant returns(uint, uint) {
    uint value = 0;
    for (uint i = 0; i < bets.length; i++) {
        value += bets[i].value;
    return (bets.length, value);

event Finished(uint number, uint nextRoundTimestamp);

modifier transactionMustContainEther() {
    if (msg.value == 0) throw;

modifier bankMustBeAbleToPayForBetType(BetType betType) {
    uint necessaryBalance = 0;
    for (uint i = 0; i < bets.length; i++) {
        necessaryBalance += getPayoutForType(bets[i].betType) * bets[i].value;
    necessaryBalance += getPayoutForType(betType) * msg.value;
    if (necessaryBalance > this.balance) throw;

function getPayoutForType(BetType betType) constant returns(uint) {
    if (betType == BetType.Single) return 35;
    if (betType == BetType.Even || betType == BetType.Odd) return 2;
    return 0;

function Roulette(uint interval) {
    _interval = interval;
    _creator = msg.sender;
    nextRoundTimestamp = 1517784279 + _interval;

function betSingle(uint number) public payable transactionMustContainEther() bankMustBeAbleToPayForBetType(BetType.Single) {
    if (number > 36) throw;
        betType: BetType.Single,
        player: msg.sender,
        number: number,
        value: msg.value

function betEven() public payable transactionMustContainEther() bankMustBeAbleToPayForBetType(BetType.Even) {
        betType: BetType.Even,
        player: msg.sender,
        number: 0,
        value: msg.value

function betOdd() public payable transactionMustContainEther() bankMustBeAbleToPayForBetType(BetType.Odd) {
        betType: BetType.Odd,
        player: msg.sender,
        number: 0,
        value: msg.value

function launch() public {
    if (now < nextRoundTimestamp) throw;

    uint number = uint(block.blockhash(block.number - 1)) % 37;

    for (uint i = 0; i < bets.length; i++) {
        bool won = false;
        uint payout = 0;
        if (bets[i].betType == BetType.Single) {
            if (bets[i].number == number) {
                won = true;
        } else if (bets[i].betType == BetType.Even) {
            if (number > 0 && number % 2 == 0) {
                won = true;
        } else if (bets[i].betType == BetType.Odd) {
            if (number > 0 && number % 2 == 1) {
                won = true;
        if (won) {
            if (bets[i].player.send(bets[i].value * getPayoutForType(bets[i].betType)))

    uint thisRoundTimestamp = nextRoundTimestamp;
    nextRoundTimestamp = thisRoundTimestamp + _interval;
    lastRoundTimestamp = thisRoundTimestamp;

    bets.length = 0;

    Finished(number, nextRoundTimestamp);



  • I compile this program with remix
    – Elsa
    Commented Mar 8, 2018 at 23:14
  • You get this error when submitting program to network? Or when you try to run the contract?
    – user22075
    Commented Mar 8, 2018 at 23:46
  • when i submit a method. The contract is deployed normally. Sorry for my english i'am french lol
    – Elsa
    Commented Mar 9, 2018 at 0:05
  • How many bets do you have? getBetsCountAndValue() is bad practice to do for loops. Too many bets and you will exceed gas amount for the block.
    – user22075
    Commented Mar 9, 2018 at 0:23
  • 1
    Please tell me exactly the call you are making, which function, what parameters, your gas, your gasPrice.
    – user22075
    Commented Mar 9, 2018 at 15:07

2 Answers 2


You problem is caused by this lines

    necessaryBalance += getPayoutForType(betType) * msg.value;
    if (necessaryBalance > this.balance) throw;

At the beginning this.balance is zero.

When you call betSingle for the first time msg.value will be equal to this.balance. Now getPayoutForType(betType) will return 35.

And then necessaryBalance = 35 * msg.value and the check if (necessaryBalance > this.balance) throw will always be true causing the throws and reverse all changes to the contract.

The other bets functions will fail similarly, blocking the contract.

A few advices:

  • Avoid using throw, it is considered a bad practice, you should use require or assert.
  • Avoid unbounded for/while loops, they can cause out of gas errors if you have too many itaerations.

One of the reasons when a transaction requires too much gas to run is because the contract throws an exception. I noticed a few places where exceptions can be thrown in betSingle():

  • calling betSingle() with input > 36
  • throw in the modifier, transactionMustContainEther() if the transaction does not have a value amount
  • throw in the modifier, bankMustBeAbleToPayForBetType() if the contract does not have a balance to pay for the bet. Make sure the contract is created with a initial balance.

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