Trying to transfer from myEtherwallet and it says "insufficient funds" - I lowered the amount and it worked, but I can't get the rest out. I've been searching for several hours (I told you I'm a rookie) and I still have .477 or so Ether in there, but it says insufficient when I know the transaction (gas?) shouldn't be too much? It defaults to 21000 and I've tried to adjust that, but I get the same message every time now for several hours.
I put in "Send entire balance" which still is a bit less than full amount (which I'm assuming is to cover transaction fee ), I hit "Send Transaction and then "yes, I'm sure" and every time, a box pops up saying "Insufficient Balance for Transfer"??
At that point, it appears I can adjust the gas limit and/or the gas price, but the only options after doing so are "Reset, Buy, or Reject" - none of which seem to be "Save" or "Update" w/ regard to if I adapt one or both of those numbers.
I don't even know if I understand what I just typed, but I would greatly appreciate any insight - thank you!