I'm trying to make a smart contract
and have a function executed on state change. In my example below, this function is finish
. It must run automatically when the state
changes to end
. Is this possible with Solidity?
pragma solidity ^0.4.16;
contract SmartContract {
address owner;
string state;
string status;
function SmartContract() public {
status = 'Pending';
owner = msg.sender;
event update(string _msg, string _state);
function getState() public constant returns(string) {
return state;
function getStatus() public constant returns(string) {
return status;
function setState(string _state) public returns(string) {
state = _state;
return state;
function finish() public {
if (keccak256(state) == keccak256("end")) {
status = 'Completed';
update("Completed", state);
function () public payable {
if(_state=="end") {finish();}