I've followed the instructions below but am getting an error message in terminal geth command not found

  • Open TextEdit
  • Paste key into TextEdit without any extra characters or quotations
  • Save the file as nothing_special_delete_me.txt to your Desktop
  • Open Terminal, run command:

    geth account import ~/Desktop/nothing_special_delete_me.txt

When I paste the key do I include the letters UTC?

  • 1
    They key does not contain UTC but the filename. What did you do?
    – q9f
    Commented Apr 29, 2016 at 13:04

1 Answer 1


Here is how you import the key using geth that is bundled with the Mist browser:

See How do I import my presale wallet? to work out the format of private key you have and need to use for your import.

And How to see Crowdsale funds and claim DGD tokens after April 28 has instructions on adding the contract details to watch the contract in Mist.

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