I know that the block is solved by which pool thanks to a block explorer like etherscan.io.

enter image description here

But where is that information in the blockchain and how can I get it programatically?

2 Answers 2


you can use the web3 library , and when you are connected to your node(geth\parity) you can use this command


The following is what you will get:

author: '0xea674fdde714fd979de3edf0f56aa9716b898ec8',
difficulty: '1409289537104996',
extraData: '0x65746865726d696e652d657537',
gasLimit: 6712392,
gasUsed: 420000,
hash: '0xf18de65db65959d1598799c99216f74bb6bd37660791ca1047112d8250b29e5f',
miner: '0xEA674fdDe714fd979de3EdF0F56AA9716B898ec8',
nonce: '0x8d071d6023e37609',
number: 4564200,
parentHash: '0x339ba308c6b73e177628b67f231b96c6b52b2431cb1db404c013056513013c0a',
receiptsRoot: '0x824c56f642d67e881555ec142168cc2364a1343129e34044dea382088cb5fa42',
sealFields:[ '0xa083554e4f7da70e8e6d5a09f3eac24a3c88c775d7bef5c0fb9ab7fdfc36754a07',
 '0x888d071d6023e37609' ],
sha3Uncles: '0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347',
size: 2753,
stateRoot: '0x27e8d0873604aa13debb03388ed6f5b1a366722406bfce0971b9436df1104e48',
timestamp: 1510846002,
totalDifficulty: '1479149419700984138800',
[ '0x112a4ee9748826b5704bc2bbab26624f8d5fc7ff3f803cb10e301a181ee0c86d',
 '0x067aaad3ae876b235070075e2d7e426640b0cc6f14b1ac6810bf6f70d28d9466' ],
transactionsRoot: '0x50978dc0ce98802b5a32e6422e61ca7d3d1f2ee02d13a6785919aa3c4b08a4f0',
uncles: [] }

You will get all the information about the block and the miner's address is also in there


if you are using geth, in the command like type geth attach and press enter , then type eth.getBlock('latest') to get the details.

Before running geth attach, run your mist so that geth automatically connects to it.

Thank you.

  • I asume that the "miner" attribute is the address of the one that mined it? Dec 7, 2017 at 5:21

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