Is there any way to get ethereum balance in "ether" rather than wei from JSON-RPC?
4 Answers
There is no way to return result from JSON-RPC in Ether, I suggest you convert result, here is an example:
Accourding to this table:
- Wei = 10^0 Wei
- Ada = 10^3 Wei
- Babbage = 10^6 Wei
- Shannon = 10^9 Wei
- Szabo = 10^12 Wei
- Finney = 10^15 Wei
- Ether = 10^18 Wei
1 Ether is 1^18 = 1000000000000000000 Wei.
1 Wei is 0.000000000000000001 Ether.
Multiply the number of ether by 10^18.
As defined in the Ethereum JSON-RPC documentation, the return value for balance will be in Wei.
QUANTITY - integer of the current balance in wei.
And the result would looks like'
{ "id":1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": "0x0234c8a3397aab58" // 158972490234375000 }
The returned balance will be in a hexadecimal value. So the option you have is write a callback
, eventlistner
to catch the response and convert the result
value to decimal and then multiply it with 10^(-18)
The following function I used to send a XHR request with JavaScript to a network and get the balance
getEthBal = function(url,accNo){
var data = JSON.stringify({
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getBalance",
"params": [
"id": 1
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
if (this.readyState === 4) {
//resp = JSON.stringify(this.responseText);
res = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
EthBal = parseInt(res["result"],16) ;
EthBal = EthBal * Math.pow(10,(-18));
console.log("Eth balance = " +EthBal);
});"POST", url);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "text/plain;charset=utf-8");
xhr.setRequestHeader("cache-control", "no-cache");
I used the function to get account balance in a private network as follow,
getEthBal("http://localhost:8545", "0xfe72330843652592e3ec45e925e85e03835f5cae")
And the result in console looked like,
{jsonrpc: "2.0", id: 1, result: "0x0"}id: 1jsonrpc: "2.0"result: "0x0"}
Eth Balance = 0
This is modification to code as suggested by Acchala
EthBal = parseInt(res["result"],16) ;
EthBal = EthBal * Math.pow(10,(-18));
console.log("Eth balance = " +EthBal);
Here you are parsing your balance in wei to an int and storing it in variable "EthBal" so EthBal variable is now an integer type variable
So,when "EthBal * Math.pow(10,(-18));" operation is performed and result is in decimal starting with 0 (i.e 0.15245145) it will not consider decimal places and the result would turn out to be 0
solution is to store the Result in new variable ( i.e var result = EthBal * Math.pow(10,(-18)); ) and then print out that result value.
Hope it helps!