I have been setting up node with parity kovan testnet on cloud instance.I want to start mining with ethminer.
When I start mining with:
ethminer -C -F ""
gives error as:
miner 06:39:47.443|ethminer Getting work package...
JSON-RPC problem. Probably couldn't connect. Retrying in 1...
And starting with:
ethminer -G -F ""
gives error as:
[OPENCL]:No OpenCL platforms found
No GPU device with sufficient memory was found. Can't GPU mine. Remove the -G argument
With geth I can successfully start mining on same cloud instance but can't with parity.
Starting parity with:
parity --jsonrpc-port "8545" --jsonrpc-apis "all" --port "30303" --chain=kovan --author (address of coinbase)
How could I fix the error I am facing?Thanks in advance.