I'm using truffle and metamask to deploy a very simple contract that enables the transfer of ether from one test account to another.
How do I use my JavaScript file to access the options parameters that were passed in during deployment? Can the constructor parameters passed in during deployment be modified afterwards?
Here's the line in 2_deploy_contracts.js:
deployer.deploy(EscrowPayment, web3.eth.accounts[1], web3.eth.accounts[2], {gas: 4400000, value: web3.toWei(20, 'ether')});
The options parameter would be {gas: 4400000, value: web3.toWei(20, 'ether')}
Here's the constructor in the contract:
function EscrowPayment(address _seller, address _judge) payable {
buyer = msg.sender;
seller = _seller;
judge = _judge;
I read this documentation but wasn't able to do something like "myContract.options"