Let's say I have a first-come-first-serve bounty contract. Whoever calls "getBounty()" first gets all balance owned by the contract.

Now if 10 people create transactions calling the getBounty() function - How does the blockchain/the miner determine who comes first and gets the ethers?

1 Answer 1


There are several related questions like this and this. IMHO, all the answers lead to "it's arbitrary".

Maybe you can make a central interface to your contract in order to further control the ordering of the transactions. You can also design your contract in such a way that it does not accept multiple transactions in a single block.

To implement this, you can store the "last" block in a global variable and update it like this:

contract C {
    uint lastBlock = 0;

    function myFunction(){
            lastBlock = block.number; // update lastBlock
        } else if (block.number == lastBlock){
            throw; // don't allow if this block already had a transaction
        // do what the function is supposed to do here
  • "You can also design your contract in such a way that it does not accept multiple transactions in a single block." Thats interesting. Could you elaborate a bit more how this could be approached? Commented May 26, 2017 at 12:44
  • @TripleSpeeder added an example.
    – jeff
    Commented May 26, 2017 at 12:57

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