I wonder if anyone can assist please? I have searched the forum but I cannot find anything that answers my specific question.
I'm trying to parse the input data from transactions on the following contract (Titan X) :-
- When I look at a typical transaction called a 'Start Mint' function on Etherscan I see this :-
- And when I click on the Transaction hash, I see this :- and on there I can see a clickable link called 'More Details' :-
- When I click on '+ Click to Show More' I can see a field called 'Input Data' :-
- There are always and only 2 Hexadecimal data that appear in this field :-
(a) Mint Power [0] (b) Number of Days 1
- Could someone please help me to extract this data within a controlled speed loop, that does not exceed the maximum ETH API call rate for a user defined range of block numbers. I'd like to populate an excel spreadsheet with the Date, Mint Power and Number of Days.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance.