This is my first project with solidity (newbie here!) and I'm trying to implement ERC2981 in a ERC721 contract for my own marketplace, not just the minting part but the buying and transfer process as well. I saw that question and answer here, but I wanted to be sure I've implemented it right in my own marketplace structure. At the moment, I'm having troubles at the buy nft (createMarketSale) step, I can't seem to get it right, any bits of hints and information cwould greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Here is my work in progress contract:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol"; 
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/common/ERC2981.sol";

contract NFTMarket is ReentrancyGuard, ERC2981 {
    using Counters for Counters.Counter;
    Counters.Counter private _itemIds;
    Counters.Counter private _itemsSold;

    address payable owner;
    uint256 listingPrice = 0.025 ether; // is matic

    constructor(address receiver, uint96 feeNumerator) {
        owner = payable(msg.sender);

    struct MarketItem {
     uint itemId;
     address nftContract;
     uint256 tokenId;
     address payable seller;
     address payable owner;
     uint256 price;
     bool sold;

    mapping(uint256 => MarketItem) private idToMarketItem;

    event MarketItemCreated (

     uint indexed itemId,
     address indexed nftContract,
     uint256 indexed tokenId,
     address seller,
     address owner,
     uint256 price,
     bool sold

    /* Returns the listing price of the contract */
    function getListingPrice() public view returns (uint256) {
      return listingPrice;

    function setDefaultRoyalty(address _receiver, uint96 _feeNumerator) public {
      _setDefaultRoyalty(_receiver, _feeNumerator);
function createMarketItem(
     address nftContract,
     uint256 tokenId,
     uint256 price

) public payable nonReentrant {
    require(price > 0, "Price must be at least 1 wei");
    require(msg.value == listingPrice, "Price must be equal to listing price");

    uint256 itemId = _itemIds.current();

    idToMarketItem[itemId] = MarketItem (


    emit MarketItemCreated(


function createMarketSale(
    address nftContract,
    uint256 itemId
) public payable nonReentrant{
    uint price = idToMarketItem[itemId].price;
    uint tokenId = idToMarketItem[itemId].tokenId;
    require(msg.value == price, "Please submit the asking price in order to complete the purchase");

    IERC721(nftContract).transferFrom(address(this),msg.sender, tokenId);
    idToMarketItem[itemId].owner = payable(msg.sender);
    idToMarketItem[itemId].sold = true;


function fetchMarketItems() public view returns (MarketItem[] memory){
    uint itemCount = _itemIds.current();
    uint unsoldItemCount = _itemIds.current() - _itemsSold.current();
    uint currentIndex = 0;

    MarketItem[] memory items = new MarketItem[](unsoldItemCount);
    for (uint i = 0; i < itemCount; i++){
        if (idToMarketItem[i + 1].owner == address(0)){
            uint currentId = idToMarketItem [i+1].itemId;
            MarketItem storage currentItem = idToMarketItem[currentId];
            items[currentIndex] = currentItem;
            currentIndex +=1;
    return items;

function fetchMyNFTs() public view returns (MarketItem[] memory) {
    uint totalItemCount = _itemIds.current();
    uint itemCount = 0;
    uint currentIndex = 0;

    for (uint i = 0; i < totalItemCount; i++) {
        if (idToMarketItem[i + 1].owner == msg.sender) {
          itemCount += 1;

     MarketItem[] memory items = new MarketItem[](itemCount);
      for (uint i = 0; i < totalItemCount; i++) {
        if (idToMarketItem[i + 1].owner == msg.sender) {
          uint currentId = idToMarketItem [i + 1].itemId;
          MarketItem storage currentItem = idToMarketItem[currentId];
          items[currentIndex] = currentItem;
          currentIndex += 1;
      return items;

function fetchItemsCreated () public view returns (MarketItem[] memory) {
    uint totalItemCount = _itemIds.current();
    uint itemCount = 0;
    uint currentIndex = 0;

    for (uint i = 0; i < totalItemCount; i++) {
        if (idToMarketItem[i + 1].seller == msg.sender){
            itemCount += 1;

    MarketItem[] memory items = new MarketItem[](itemCount);
    for (uint i = 0; i < totalItemCount; i++) {
        if (idToMarketItem[i +1].seller == msg.sender) {
            uint currentId = idToMarketItem[i +1].itemId;
            MarketItem storage currentItem = idToMarketItem[currentId];
            items [currentIndex] = currentItem;
            currentIndex += 1;

return items;


  • Hi Alice! Welcome to Ethereum Stackexchange! Can you provide more details about the problem? What functions are you calling? What is the expected output? What are you getting instead?
    – Ismael
    Commented Feb 26, 2023 at 1:45
  • Hello Ismael, I am trying to submit royalties to the receiver when someone is buying an nft using the function specified above (function createMarketSale). So far I can’t get it to work, no royalties sent to the receiver, only the nft price. I want to validate if my contract is ok/well written? Thanks!
    – Alice
    Commented Feb 26, 2023 at 2:11
  • The output that I’m getting at the moment is just the correct price payment with gas fees paid by the buyer without the royalties paid to the receiver.
    – Alice
    Commented Feb 26, 2023 at 2:23

1 Answer 1


The ERC-2981 only provides an standardized way to retrieve royalty information from a NFT contract. It is each market responsibility to implement the distribution of royalties.

  • Ok, I understand now that I will need to design around that standardization.
    – Alice
    Commented Feb 26, 2023 at 21:01

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