I saw a similar question here which I tried to use in my example but I still get confused from the code. Can you tell me what is the difference between those two examples?

contract First {

struct Emission {
    string accountIdHash;
    string orderIdHash;

function getData(string memory _orderIdHash) public view returns (string memory,string memory)
    return (

interface IFirst {
   function getData(string memory) external view returns (
        string memory,
        string memory

contract Second {

address contractFirst;

struct Emission {
    string accountId;
    string orderId;

Emission emission;

constructor(address _addressContractFirst)
    contractFirst = _addressContractFirst;

function mint(string memory _orderIdHash) public {

  (string memory accountIdHash, string memory orderIdHash) = IFirst(contractFirst).getData(_orderIdHash);

   emission = Emission(accountIdHash, orderIdHash);

And this example:

 function mint(string memory _orderIdHash) public {

 Emission memory emission = Emission(IFirst(contractFirst).getData(_orderIdHash));


For me they are absolutely the same but in the second example Solidity throws an error saying that:
Wrong argument count for struct constructor: 1 arguments given but expected 2.

1 Answer 1


As the error says, you're passing only one argument (a tuple of 2 elements) to the getData function, while it needs 2 arguments.

And it seems solidity to not expand tuple to arguments.

That's why the first mint function works : first the tuple is broken down into 2 distinct elements accountIdHash and orderIdHash, and then passed as 2 separated arguments.

I found the exact same thing you are trying to do in an issue/feature request on the Solidity Repository : https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/issues/9600

It seems this has been requested, seen by the Solidity team (cameel) but not implemented.

  • Thank you, it looks like that solidity team should work on improving that. :)
    – Dakata
    Commented Nov 27, 2022 at 0:25

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