Inside my smart contract I'm having this function:

function addPerson(string memory _name, uint256 _favoriteNumber) public {
        people.push(People(_favoriteNumber, _name));
        nameToFavoriteNumber[_name] = _favoriteNumber;

I want to write a test in hardhat to get my coverage 100%.

people[] array and nameToFavoriteNumber mapping are public.

 uint256 favoriteNumber;

    struct People {
        uint256 favoriteNumber;
        string name;

    People[] public people;

How can I achieve this without making any changes in smart contract?

1 Answer 1


With hardhat, deploy your contract, then check that people[] is emply (i.e. people[0].name == '' or something like that), then call the addPerson() function, then checks that people[] is not empty anymore (i.e. people[0].name == 'Tusher Bharti').

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