I deployed a smart contract to Ganache as below code:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Tells the Solidity compiler to compile only from v0.8.13 to v0.9.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/interfaces/AggregatorV3Interface.sol";
import "./ConvertLib.sol";
// This is just a simple example of a coin-like contract.
// It is not ERC20 compatible and cannot be expected to talk to other
// coin/token contracts.
contract MetaCoin {
AggregatorV3Interface internal priceFeed;
constructor() {
priceFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(0xD4a33860578De61DBAbDc8BFdb98FD742fA7028e);
function getLatestPrice() public view returns (int) {
/*uint80 roundID*/,
int price,
/*uint startedAt*/,
/*uint timeStamp*/,
/*uint80 answeredInRound*/
) = priceFeed.latestRoundData();
return price;
when I call the method getLatestPrice
from web3 in chrome,
coinContract.methods.getLatestPrice().send({ from: xxxx });
the MetaMask wallet popup but shows an error We were not able to estimate gas. There might be an error in the contract and this transaction may fail.
but if I change the code to use call
instead of send
I got this error:
"message": "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert",
"code": -32000,
"data": {
"0xc431aacd735f5e37f257d9ce3ad00d0ce66c41447ac8d8b16760a6dbc76eb8e2": {
"error": "revert",
"program_counter": 1020,
"return": "0x"
"stack": "RuntimeError: VM Exception while processing transaction: revert\n at Function.RuntimeError.fromResults (/Applications/Ganache.app/Contents/Resources/static/node/node_modules/ganache-core/lib/utils/runtimeerror.js:94:13)\n at /Applications/Ganache.app/Contents/Resources/static/node/node_modules/ganache-core/lib/blockchain_double.js:568:26",
"name": "RuntimeError"
I don't know what wrong with my code