I'm trying to test a factory contract using hardhat and waffle. I have a contract called Domain
//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "hardhat/console.sol";
contract Domain {
string private publicKey;
address[] public children;
constructor(string memory _publicKey) {
console.log("Deploying a domain using public key: ", _publicKey);
publicKey = _publicKey;
function getChildren() public view returns (address[] memory){
return children;
And a factory for deploying this contract:
//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./Domain.sol";
import "hardhat/console.sol";
contract DomainFactory {
Domain[] private _domains;
function createDomain(
string memory _publicKey
) public returns (address){
Domain domain = new Domain(
return address(domain);
function allDomains(uint256 limit, uint256 offset)
returns (Domain[] memory coll)
return coll;
I have the following tests defined, where this
refers to a context object defined in a "world" file (using cucumber.js
When('the holder of this public key creates a domain', async function () {
this.domain = await this.factory.createDomain('<public_key>');
Then('a child of this domain has the name name', async function () {
const children = this.domain.getChildren();
const childrenWithName = children.find((child:any) => {
return child.getNames().some((childName:any) => {
return childName === 'name';
Ideally in the when
step, I could define this.domain
as the result of deploying a contract, and thereafter test the methods of the contract I deploy:
// world.ts
import { setWorldConstructor, setDefaultTimeout } from '@cucumber/cucumber'
import {deployContract, MockProvider, solidity} from 'ethereum-waffle';
import {use} from "chai";
import DomainContract from "../../../artifacts/contracts/Domain.sol/Domain.json";
import DomainFactoryContract from "../../../artifacts/contracts/DomainFactory.sol/DomainFactory.json";
import { Domain, DomainFactory } from "../../../typechain-types";
import {Wallet} from "ethers";
setDefaultTimeout(20 * 1000);
class DomainWorld {
public owner: string
public wallets: Wallet[]
public factory: DomainFactory | undefined
public domain: Domain | undefined
public ready: boolean = false
private _initialized: Promise<boolean>
async deployContractByAddress(address, ...args){
return await deployContract(this.wallets[0], address, ...args);
constructor() {
this.wallets = new MockProvider().getWallets();
this.owner = this.wallets[0].address
const that = this
this._initialized = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
that.factory = (await deployContract(that.wallets[0], DomainFactoryContract, [])) as DomainFactory;
that.ready = true
}catch (err) {
My problem is, hardhat's deployContract
function isn't expecting a contract address, which is what is returned by my DomainFactory
's create method. How can I test contracts deployed via my factory if the return value is an address?