For the last approximately 24 hours, Ropsten testnet is under an attack in my opinion. The gas limit is raised to 200m
and the attacker was proposing blocks with more than 4,000
internal txs transfering 1 wei
to different addresses. Mining reward is more than 12 eth
I think this is the block started the attack
I believe this makes my computer sync extremely slow and for the past 24 hours, I haven't been able to catch up with the chain.
However, looks like the attacker stopped attacking but other miners are still follow the gas limit. Maybe people don't know how to lower gas limit even that miners can do so at some point, some percent of current gas limit.
So my question is: What is the easiest way for miners to lower gas limit? Does it actually help?
Edit 1: There is a hero with this address 0x00d92369a644ab070f38f8877b50feb5b61508ed is trying to lower the gas limit by proposing many (almost 2000 blocks now) empty blocks with lowered gas limit set. His first block is here
Edit 2: The testnet is forked now. It split at block number 590359. Looks like the joke hasn't ended yet.