this is my first time buying Ethereum tokens on mainnet. Probably I am doing something wrong, so I am willing to hear any comments or hints about this process. My ethereum address on mainnet is
Through I tried to call TokenSeller contract as described at
I am just interested in buying a few Golem Network Tokens (GNT), basically spending 0.1 ethers just to test around. So I executed the method createSaleContract() on contractAddress 0xb1eb96f752c624dc784d80961a1accfaf348c923 and ABI:
the call parameters are:
asset Golem => 0xa74476443119a942de498590fe1f2454d7d4ac0d
sellPrice .1
units 40 => rate .0025
sellsTokens true
the resulting transaction is:
amount 0
gas limit 29091
raw tx:
Transaction submitted:
But got this error:
Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Bad jump destination]
Any ideas? Thx!