I am trying to make a python program that gets the ETH gas prices. I am trying to avoid selenium scraping because I am using this for a discord bot. Does anyone know any good python APIs I can use?
3 Answers
Will these two gas APIs help you?
This approach might also work for you:
You can use w3.eth.fee_history
with w3.eth.get_block().baseFeePerGas
, to get estimates similar to a gas tracker.
# Pass block count, target block, target reward percentiles
# pass identifier
A simple example would be similar to one found in this walk through using javascript: https://docs.alchemy.com/docs/how-to-build-a-gas-fee-estimator-using-eip-1559
Here I have modified for python:
def format_fee_history(result, include_pending):
block_num = result.oldestBlock
index = 0
blocks = []
pending_base_fee = result.baseFeePerGas.pop()
while block_num < result.oldestBlock + len(result.reward):
'number': block_num,
'baseFeePerGas': result.baseFeePerGas[index],
'gasUsedRatio': result.gasUsedRatio[index],
'priorityFeePerGas': result.reward[index]
block_num += 1
index += 1
if include_pending:
'number': 'pending',
'baseFeePerGas': pending_base_fee,
'gasUsedRatio': None,
'priorityFeePerGas': []
return blocks
def fetch_estimates():
fee_history = w3.eth.fee_history(20,'pending',[20,50,80])
blocks = format_fee_history(fee_history, False)
hi = list(map(lambda b: b['priorityFeePerGas'][2], blocks))
mi = list(map(lambda b: b['priorityFeePerGas'][1], blocks))
lo = list(map(lambda b: b['priorityFeePerGas'][0], blocks))
estimates = []
for items in [hi, mi, lo]:
estimates.append(round(reduce(lambda a, v: a + v, items)/len(items)))
return estimates
if __name__ == '__main__':
base, high, medium, low = fetch_estimates()
print('max :',w3.eth.max_priority_fee + base)
print('high:',high + base)
print('mid :',medium + base)
print('low :',low + base)