Pls how do i interprete this argument in this curly brackets marked in red. I'm a beginner in solidity programming and I am have a hard time interpreting this arguments and what does the arguments mean.Mint function

  • Sorry, but which part isn't clear to you? All three arguments? address/account/amount ??
    – Sky
    Commented Jan 12, 2022 at 9:43
  • Yes all three arguments
    – Jozzy
    Commented Jan 12, 2022 at 10:27

1 Answer 1


I had seen other mint functions before. But this one is a bit unusual. However, as far as I can read this all three variables have a clear definition.

Address(0) -> Is null address, and the function is making sure you do not mint coins on null address, as any tokens minted there would be invalid/unusable by default.

Account -> Is a valid address to which you mint new tokens

Ammount -> Is literally the number of tokens you mint. For example, if the ammount=100, then you had just minted 100 of them. (For ERC20 tokens you might need to add 10*18 to that number, but that is another story)


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