From docs:

In Solidity, array dimensions are declared backwards from the way you might be used to declaring them in C or Java, but they are access as in C or Java.

For example, int8[][5] somearray; are 5 dynamic int8 arrays.

The reason for this is that T[5] is always an array of 5 T's, no matter whether T itself is an array or not (this is not the case in C or Java).

The question is why must in Solidity "T[5] is always an array of 5 T's" ?

1 Answer 1


There is no any limitation, this is just syntactic feature. It is quite unusual but has some rationale behind it.

E.g. in C language int8 x[5] reads as "x is an array of 5 int8 elements". And this one int8 y[5][4] is "y is an array of 5 arrays of 4 int8 elements each".

Note that order of terms x, int8, 5, 4 in declaration and in English explanation is not the same.

In Solidity int8[5][4] x reads as "x is array of 4 arrays of 5 int8 elements each". You need to read backwards but order of terms is now consistent.

Go language goes one step further — it has terms in order and does not require you to read backwards: var a [5][4]int is "variable a is array of 5 arrays of 4 int elements each".

So, "T[5] is always an array of 5 T's" means that for any type T (be it int8 or bool[3][2]) T[5] will always be array of 5 elements. This is not true for some languages like C: T[5] could be

  • array of 5 ints: int x[5] (T is int x)
  • array of 4 arrays of ints: int x[4][5] (T is int x[4])
  • ...

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