Am starting off in blockchain development using the book Mastering Blockchain A deep dive into distributed ledgers...
Am using WSL.
$geth version
Version: 1.10.9-stable
Git Commit: eae3b1946a276ac099e0018fc792d9e8c3bfda6d
Architecture: amd64
Go Version: go1.17
Operating System: linux
Am trying to start geth but am getting the error that the --rpc flag is not defined
This the command am trying to run:
geth --datadir ~/etherprivate/ --networkid 111 --rpc --rpcapi 'web3,eth,net,debug,personal' --rpccorsdomain '*'
This is the output am getting:
flag provided but not defined: -rpc
I tried to use geth documentation as specified here, but it seems like the rpc flags are not listed.
Any help on how it can be solved would be appreciated.