I am trying to call the other contract which is already deployed on the blockchain. But when I try compiling it with remix , it doesn't compile
contract Othersurround {
function getDetailsFromSurroundContract(address _contractAddress)public view returns(address,string memory,string memory,string memory,string memory,string memory){
// surround is the name of the deployed contract
surround other = surround(_contractAddress);// ***Here is the error - DeclarationError: Identifier not found or not unique.
surround other = surround(_contractAddress);***//
address wallet_address = other.getUser();
string userId = other.getUser();
string first_name = other.getUser();
string last_name = other.getUser();
string email_id = other.getUser();
bool set = other.getUser();
string private_key = other.getUser();