For many Ethereum addresses Etherscan shows this:

Then when you click on the "b" link you see something like this:

So, this can be just a coincidence, right? Somehow the same public address was generated in all five blockchains but that doesn't mean it's the same person or entity behind each one of them - is that correct?

Reading this answer I got the sense that if you use the same private key in all these blockchains then you'll necessarily end up with the same public address in all of them. Is that right?

Now, if that's all correct then why does something like Blockscan exist? I'm guessing that if something like Blockscan exists that's because it's not just a coincidence that the same 42-character string is a valid public address in different blockchains - does that make sense? Maybe in some cases it's a coincidences but usually it's not?

What's the best way to think about this? (I mean, without inspecting transactions to see if the times match, etc.)

1 Answer 1


Short answer : Yes. A single address is be tied to one and only one private key accross all the EVM compatible chains (because they use the same encryption method), so a person in control of an address on 1 chain will also be in control of that address on all the other chains since they have the private key for this address.

  • Hii does that mean anyone with same private key can simply transfer my funds???????? Oct 18, 2022 at 3:35
  • Yes, but the point is that no one has the same private key.
    – Foxxxey
    Oct 18, 2022 at 14:27
  • I am confused a little bit. Like if I have an address on ethereum blockchain, and someone has the same address on a different blockchain. does that mean we have the same private key? If yes, then can't he import an account with that private key and control my funds in ethereum blockchain??? Oct 19, 2022 at 15:24
  • Indeed, but that situation doesn't happen.
    – Foxxxey
    Oct 19, 2022 at 20:27
  • 1
    It's theorically possible, yes. But let's say I pick a random atom somewhere in the universe and you do it too. You have about the same probability of picking "my" atom than generating my private key.
    – Foxxxey
    Oct 20, 2022 at 9:40

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