I have been having problems when wanting to access information from a contract that returns it through a view function. This information is a tuple generated from a struct.

The contract code that generates such information is the following:

enum Grade {

struct Student {
    uint256 generation;
    Grade grade;
    uint256 timestamp;

mapping(uint256 => Student) internal students;

function getStudent(uint256 _studentId) public view returns (Student memory) {
    return students[_studentId];

When accessing the information through the same contract via the getStudent function, it returns a tuple, but the problem is how to access said information through another contract. specifically the first element of the tuple (uint256 generation).

First of all, Thanks

1 Answer 1


You can access the returned tuple by assigning the returned value of your tuple returning function to a tuple of variables

(uint256 generation, Grade grade, uint256 timestamp) = getStudent(student_address)

this will create the variable generation, grade and timestamp and you can use them normally within their scope. Calling this function from another contract is exactly the same procedure.

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