I'm running geth rinkeby at my Macbook. My geth version is like this.
Version: 1.10.3-stable
Architecture: amd64
Go Version: go1.16.3
Operating System: darwin
It finished syncing and ran fine with receiving blocks. It ran well almost 2 months. But it's stuck now and I don't know why it's suddenly stucked. I ran geth rinkeby with below command.
geth --rinkeby --http --http.addr --http.api eth,net,web3,personal,txpool,admin --ws --ws.addr --ws.origins="*" --ws.api personal,admin,eth,net,web3,txpool,debug --allow-insecure-unlock --syncmode fast --cache 2048 --maxpeers 100 2>> ./logs/geth.log
And my geth log looks like below.
INFO [07-08|10:27:18.158] Imported new chain segment blocks=1 txs=13 mgas=0.874 elapsed=15.973ms mgasps=54.718 number=8,897,987 hash=d2df74..48ba4e dirty=496.76MiB
INFO [07-08|10:27:18.160] Unindexed transactions blocks=1 txs=6 tail=6,547,988 elapsed=2.467ms
INFO [07-08|10:27:21.284] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=5 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:27:31.286] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=5 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:27:41.286] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=8 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:27:51.287] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=5 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:27:55.181] Deep froze chain segment blocks=2 elapsed=133.622ms number=8,807,987 hash=23cfa7..830fa8
INFO [07-08|10:28:01.288] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=7 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:28:11.288] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=7 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:28:21.289] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=6 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:28:31.292] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=6 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:28:41.293] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=5 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:28:51.294] Looking for peers peercount=2 tried=8 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:29:01.295] Looking for peers peercount=2 tried=4 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:29:11.294] Looking for peers peercount=2 tried=6 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:29:21.296] Looking for peers peercount=2 tried=6 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:29:31.296] Looking for peers peercount=2 tried=6 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:29:41.302] Looking for peers peercount=2 tried=5 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:29:51.304] Looking for peers peercount=2 tried=6 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:30:01.307] Looking for peers peercount=2 tried=7 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:30:11.309] Looking for peers peercount=2 tried=5 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:30:21.311] Looking for peers peercount=2 tried=6 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:30:31.311] Looking for peers peercount=2 tried=5 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:30:41.311] Looking for peers peercount=2 tried=6 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:30:51.313] Looking for peers peercount=2 tried=8 static=1
INFO [07-08|10:31:01.314] Looking for peers peercount=2 tried=6 static=1
INFO [07-08|11:13:29.673] Writing clean trie cache to disk path=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth/triecache threads=1
INFO [07-08|11:13:29.675] Regenerated local transaction journal transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [07-08|11:13:32.926] Persisted the clean trie cache path=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth/triecache elapsed=3.251s
INFO [07-08|12:13:29.760] Writing clean trie cache to disk path=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth/triecache threads=1
INFO [07-08|12:13:29.763] Regenerated local transaction journal transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [07-08|12:13:32.399] Persisted the clean trie cache path=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth/triecache elapsed=2.635s
INFO [07-08|13:13:29.731] Writing clean trie cache to disk path=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth/triecache threads=1
INFO [07-08|13:13:29.735] Regenerated local transaction journal transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [07-08|13:13:31.269] Persisted the clean trie cache path=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth/triecache elapsed=1.538s
INFO [07-08|14:13:29.835] Writing clean trie cache to disk path=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth/triecache threads=1
INFO [07-08|14:13:29.853] Regenerated local transaction journal transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [07-08|14:13:33.823] Persisted the clean trie cache path=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth/triecache elapsed=3.980s
INFO [07-08|15:13:29.795] Writing clean trie cache to disk path=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth/triecache threads=1
INFO [07-08|15:13:29.799] Regenerated local transaction journal transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [07-08|15:13:32.508] Persisted the clean trie cache path=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth/triecache elapsed=2.712s
INFO [07-08|16:13:29.927] Writing clean trie cache to disk path=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth/triecache threads=1
INFO [07-08|16:13:29.928] Regenerated local transaction journal transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [07-08|16:13:32.662] Persisted the clean trie cache path=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth/triecache elapsed=2.734s
As the log says, it worked fine, but suddenly it stopped receiving blocks from other peers, and stuck with Looking for peers
. And then, following three logs were repeating.
INFO [07-08|11:13:29.673] Writing clean trie cache to disk path=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth/triecache threads=1
INFO [07-08|11:13:29.675] Regenerated local transaction journal transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [07-08|11:13:32.926] Persisted the clean trie cache path=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth/triecache elapsed=3.251s
So I tried restarting Geth. (I just killed the process and entered the geth command as above.) But then, it didn't get syncing or receiving blocks again. The log just shows Looking for peers
permanently. The node already had peers but not syncing. The log looks like below.
INFO [07-08|16:38:37.212] IPC endpoint opened url=/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth.ipc
INFO [07-08|16:38:37.213] HTTP server started endpoint=[::]:8545 prefix= cors= vhosts=localhost
INFO [07-08|16:38:37.213] WebSocket enabled url=ws://[::]:8546
INFO [07-08|16:38:48.095] New local node record seq=287 id=9f26334289445bf1 ip=<my ipaddress> udp=30303 tcp=30303
INFO [07-08|16:38:48.216] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=34 static=0
INFO [07-08|16:38:58.218] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=30 static=0
INFO [07-08|16:39:08.286] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=35 static=0
INFO [07-08|16:39:18.546] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=27 static=0
INFO [07-08|16:39:28.552] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=36 static=1
INFO [07-08|16:39:38.557] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=33 static=1
INFO [07-08|16:39:48.879] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=25 static=1
INFO [07-08|16:39:59.144] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=33 static=1
INFO [07-08|16:40:09.211] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=35 static=1
INFO [07-08|16:40:19.214] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=31 static=1
INFO [07-08|16:40:29.531] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=22 static=1
INFO [07-08|16:40:39.547] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=33 static=1
INFO [07-08|16:40:49.878] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=27 static=1
INFO [07-08|16:41:00.212] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=37 static=1
INFO [07-08|16:41:10.215] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=25 static=1
INFO [07-08|16:41:20.216] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=20 static=1
So here is my questions.
- Why Geth has stucked suddenly?
- Why Geth doesn't work after restarting it?
- Is there a way to restart Geth gracefully? I just killed process and started Geth again with the command I used, but I always had to erase leveldb when restarting Geth like this way.
Thank you.
I restarted Geth with verbosity 4
(DEBUG mode), and attached the logs between INFO Looking for peers
logs. DEBUG logs looks like below.
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:23.173] Revalidated node b=4 id=9f2cb42ade264eea checks=1
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:23.178] Adding p2p peer peercount=3 id=8391c2401d336e64 conn=dyndial addr= name=OpenEthereum/v3.2.6-...
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:23.306] Ethereum handshake failed id=7b3f212e39a05d39 conn=dyndial err="fork ID rejected: remote needs update"
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:23.306] Removing p2p peer peercount=2 id=7b3f212e39a05d39 duration=147.554ms req=true err="subprotocol error"
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:23.335] Adding p2p peer peercount=3 id=84e07faffaf52840 conn=dyndial addr= name=Geth/v1.10.5-unstabl...
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:23.563] Ethereum handshake failed id=84e07faffaf52840 conn=dyndial err=EOF
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:23.563] Message handling failed in `snap` peer=84e07faf err=EOF
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:23.563] Removing p2p peer peercount=2 id=84e07faffaf52840 duration=227.601ms req=true err="subprotocol error"
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:23.827] Recalculated downloader QoS values rtt=20s confidence=1.000 ttl=1m0s
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:24.441] Adding p2p peer peercount=3 id=8ecc16f9400d6fc4 conn=dyndial addr= name=Geth/v1.9.24-stable-...
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:24.720] Ethereum handshake failed id=8ecc16f9400d6fc4 conn=dyndial err="network ID mismatch: 219913 (!= 4)"
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:24.721] Removing p2p peer peercount=2 id=8ecc16f9400d6fc4 duration=280.038ms req=false err="network ID mismatch: 219913 (!= 4)"
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:25.729] Revalidated node b=7 id=9f4e2c6ea7153f79 checks=1
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:25.764] Adding p2p peer peercount=3 id=0e10a37bbbc33e44 conn=dyndial addr= name=Geth/v1.10.5-unstabl...
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:26.039] Ethereum handshake failed id=0e10a37bbbc33e44 conn=dyndial err="fork ID rejected: local incompatible or needs update"
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:26.039] Message handling failed in `snap` peer=0e10a37b err=EOF
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:26.039] Removing p2p peer peercount=2 id=0e10a37bbbc33e44 duration=275.341ms req=true err="subprotocol error"
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:26.612] Adding p2p peer peercount=3 id=8ec7352b8985509b conn=dyndial addr= name=bor/v1.10.1-stable-1...
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:26.811] Ethereum handshake failed id=8ec7352b8985509b conn=dyndial err="network ID mismatch: 137 (!= 4)"
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:26.811] Removing p2p peer peercount=2 id=8ec7352b8985509b duration=198.985ms req=false err="network ID mismatch: 137 (!= 4)"
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:27.843] Adding p2p peer peercount=3 id=8ec75fa18296fa0c conn=dyndial addr= name=Geth/validator4/v1.9...
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:27.975] Ethereum handshake failed id=8ec75fa18296fa0c conn=dyndial err="network ID mismatch: 1337 (!= 4)"
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:27.975] Removing p2p peer peercount=2 id=8ec75fa18296fa0c duration=132.793ms req=false err="network ID mismatch: 1337 (!= 4)"
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:28.179] Ethereum handshake failed id=8391c2401d336e64 conn=dyndial err="read timeout"
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:28.179] Removing p2p peer peercount=1 id=8391c2401d336e64 duration=5.000s req=false err="read timeout"
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:31.793] Adding p2p peer peercount=2 id=8ed611401e2afc34 conn=dyndial addr= name=besu/v21.1.7/linux-x...
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:31.793] Ethereum handshake failed id=8ed611401e2afc34 conn=dyndial err="network ID mismatch: 11297108109 (!= 4)"
DEBUG[07-15|09:48:31.793] Removing p2p peer peercount=1 id=8ed611401e2afc34 duration="406.245µs" req=false err="network ID mismatch: 11297108109 (!= 4)"
The logs say Ethereum handshake failed
. How could I fix this issue? Is Geth has to be turned on always after first time syncing? Why restarting Geth destroys Ethereum handshake
verbosity 8
flag and come back with more logs. looks like network issue, firewall or something, but could be that you have got a wrong head block and nobody links to you because you are in a wrong chain. more verbose log would show itgeth
branch on github you can killl geth with -9 with no problem. they just fixed a nasty bug (issue 22728 on github) that corrupted the chain, a few weeks ago, but this is only available on master branchverbosity 4
(DEBUG logs, when I looked at man page, verbosity was up to 5 and 5 was TRACE mode and it's logs were too many, so I used 4 mode), and updated my question with the logs betweenINFO Looking for peers
logs. Could you see it again please? Thank you.