I am trying to deploy a crowdsale contract which is build upon openzeppelin while deploying it on geth --dev and ganache it gets deployed perfectly but whenever I am trying to deploy the contract on the testnet I am getting following error.
Deploying Token Crowdsale:
Rate : 1
Wallet : 0xDc6234d567eBA03B465f519596E679A8d3959935
Opening Time : 1539087204
Closing Time : 1539238404
Cap : 4000000000000000
Individual Min Cap : 1000
Goal : 800000000000000
Token Address : 0x3FEc09Fab0dbb7EdaDbD4a4c06908a3Eb846308f
Token Wallet : 0xDc6234d567eBA03B465f519596E679A8d3959935
Deploying 'TokenCrowdsale'
> transaction hash: 0xb2f48b6418021476827c8aeeb51762927c319dc74cd10ffaaa8482f06e3dae5c
Error: *** Deployment Failed ***
"TokenCrowdsale" -- The contract code couldn't be stored, please check your gas limit...
at /home/paradox/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/truffle/build/webpack:/packages/truffle-deployer/src/deployment.js:361:1
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
I am passing 8000000 as the gas amount, any leads would be appreciated.