when I run this code I get the error "call to Voting.candidates errored: Error encoding arguments: Error: invalid BigNumber string (argument="value", value="", code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=bignumber/5.0.8)" anybody know how to fix this or what is means??
contract Voting {
contract Voting {
///@dev keeps track of the voter candidates' info
struct VoterCandidate {
string voterName;
uint voterAge;
///@dev keeps track of all the candidates
VoterCandidate[] public candidates;
///@dev creates a new "VoterCandidate" and adds a the candidate to the array of candidates
function candidateRegistration(string memory _voterName, uint _voterAge) public {
VoterCandidate memory newCandidate;
newCandidate.voterName = _voterName;
newCandidate.voterAge = _voterAge;