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Is there a way to create an ERC20 token with an unlimited supllysupply?

When you initially create an ERC20 token, you must declare totalSupply. Is that the hard cap on the number of tokens you can create or is totalSupply rather just the initial token supply?

Is there a way to create an ERC20 token with an unlimited suplly?

When you initially create an ERC20 token, you must declare totalSupply. Is that the hard cap on the number of tokens you can create or rather just the initial token supply?

Is there a way to create an ERC20 token with an unlimited supply?

When you initially create an ERC20 token, you must declare totalSupply. Is that the hard cap on the number of tokens you can create or is totalSupply rather just the initial token supply?

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Is there a way to create an ERC20 token with an unlimited suplly?

When you initially create an ERC20 token, you must declare totalSupply. Is that the hard cap on the number of tokens you can create or rather just the initial token supply?