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The solution to sending out tokens is to look at other transactions that are sending the same token from its contract source. From there you can see how much other people are paying and what you should set in the settings. For me, looked at the usdt contract and saw others setting gweiGAS_PRICE to 1 Gwei and gas limit to 400,000. That worked.

The solution to sending out tokens is to look at other transactions that are sending the same token from its contract source. From there you can see how much other people are paying and what you should set in the settings. For me, looked at the usdt contract and saw others setting gwei to 1 and gas limit to 400,000. That worked.

The solution to sending out tokens is to look at other transactions that are sending the same token from its contract source. From there you can see how much other people are paying and what you should set in the settings. For me, looked at the usdt contract and saw others setting GAS_PRICE to 1 Gwei and gas limit to 400,000. That worked.

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Patoshi パトシ
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The solution to sending out tokens is to look at other transactions that are sending the same token from its contract source. From there you can see how much other people are paying and what you should set in the settings. For me, looked at the usdt contract and saw others setting gwei to 1 and gas limit to 400,000. That worked.