The simplest way should be to deploy the contract three times. Each instance of the contract refer to a separate coin. But in that situation is not simple to interact with different coin types.
If you want to be able to handle more than coin type in a single contract it can be done in several ways.
You can try using nested mappings. Here coinBalanceOf[k]
will refer to the balances of the coin type k. And coinBalanceOf[k][address]
will refer to the balance of address
in the coin type k
contract token {
mapping (uint => mapping (address => uint)) coinBalanceOf;
event CoinTransfer(uint coinType, address sender, address receiver, uint amount);
/* Initializes contract with initial supply tokens to the creator of the contract */
function token(uint numCoinTypes, uint supply) {
for (uint k=0; k<numCoinTypes; ++k) {
coinBalanceOf[k][msg.sender] = supply;
/* Very simple trade function */
function sendCoin(uint coinType, address receiver, uint amount) returns(bool sufficient) {
if (coinBalanceOf[coinType][msg.sender] < amount) return false;
coinBalanceOf[coinType][msg.sender] -= amount;
coinBalanceOf[coinType][receiver] += amount;
CoinTransfer(coinType, msg.sender, receiver, amount);
return true;
If you have a fixed numberof coin types, instead of a nested mapping you can have a mapping to an array of balances for each key.
mapping (address => uint[3]) coinBalanceOf;
Now coinBalanceOf[address]
are the balances of address
, and coinBalanceOf[address]
is balance of address
in the coin type k