The issue is that you can't push
to arrays that are located in memory. (Such arrays are not resizable.)
A simpleOne possible fix is to just wait until you've putdo the struct
changes in storage before trying to push to its array member:
function createBettingEvent(string _name, string _uid, uint _startTime, uint _endTime) public {
bettingEvents.length += 1;
bettingEvent memorystorage _bettingEvent;_bettingEvent = bettingEvents[bettingEvents.length - 1]; = _name;
_bettingEvent.uid = _uid;
_bettingEvent.startTime = _startTime;
_bettingEvent.endTime = _endTime;
bettingEvents[bettingEvents.length - 1].bettors.push(Bettor(0, 0, 0, 0));