Using the scripts below (from From geth --dev exposes live net accounts. Is it safe?geth --dev exposes live net accounts. Is it safe?) will ensure that your --dev
keystore is separated from your Mainnet keystore, reducing your risk of exposing your Mainnet account passwords.
Here is my Dev startup script:
geth --datadir ~/EtherDev/data --dev --nodiscover \
--mine --minerthreads 1 --maxpeers 0 --verbosity 3 \
--unlock 0 --password ~/EtherDev/etc/passwordfile \
--rpc console
And here is the Dev script I use to create my passwords:
mkdir ~/EtherDev/data
geth --datadir ~/EtherDev/data \
--password ~/EtherDev/etc/passwordfile \
account new
And I just use a simple password in ~/EtherDev/etc/passwordfile