// @method awaitBlockConsensus
// @param web3s[0] is the node you submitted the transaction to, the other web3s
// are for cross verification, because you shouldn't trust one node.
// @param txhash is the transaction hash from when you submitted the transaction
// @param blockCount is the number of blocks to wait for.
// @param timout in seconds
// @param callback - callback(error, transaction_receipt)
exports.awaitBlockConsensus = function(web3s, txhash, blockCount, timeout, callback) {
var txWeb3 = web3s[0];
var startBlock = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
var interval;
var stateEnum = { start: 1, mined: 2, awaited: 3, confirmed: 4, unconfirmed: 5 };
var savedTxInfo;
var attempts = 0;
var pollState = stateEnum.start;
var poll = function() {
if (pollState === stateEnum.start) {
txWeb3.eth.getTransaction(txhash, function(e, txInfo) {
if (e || txInfo == null) {
return; // XXX silently drop errors
if (txInfo.blockHash != null) {
startBlock = txInfo.blockNumber;
savedTxInfo = txInfo;
pollState = stateEnum.mined;
else if (pollState == stateEnum.mined) {
txWeb3.eth.getBlockNumber(function (e, blockNum) {
if (e) {
return; // XXX silently drop errors
console.log("blockNum: ", blockNum);
if (blockNum >= (blockCount + startBlock)) {
pollState = stateEnum.awaited;
else if (pollState == stateEnum.awaited) {
txWeb3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(txhash, function(e, receipt) {
if (e || receipt == null) {
return; // XXX silently drop errors. TBD callback error?
// confirm we didn't run out of gas
// XXX this is where we should be checking a plurality of nodes. TBD
if (receipt.gasUsed >>= savedTxInfo.gas) {
pollState = stateEnum.unconfirmed;
callback(new Error("we ran out of gas, not confirmed!"), null);
} else {
pollState = stateEnum.confirmed;
callback(null, receipt);
} else {
throw(new Error("We should never get here, illegal state: " + pollState));
// note assuming poll interval is 1 second
if (attempts > timeout) {
pollState = stateEnum.unconfirmed;
callback(new Error("Timed out, not confirmed"), null);
interval = setInterval(poll, 1000);
[EDIT 1] - out of gas is greater than or equal, not greater...