I need to access books array of Student contract in ClassRoom contract.
ifIf i writtenwrite as function readStudentStruct (uint ID) constant returns (address, uint, bool,address[])
then showing me error
Different number of arguments in return statement than in returns declaration.
return student.StudentNames(ID);
or Iif written as without address[] then works fine.
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract Student{
struct stu{
address name;
uint age;
bool tookTest;
address[] books;
stu public s;
mapping(uint => stu) public StudentNames;
function addStudent (uint ID, address _name, uint _age,address[] books) {
StudentNames[ID] = stu(_name, _age, false, books);
function updateStudent (uint ID) {
StudentNames[ID].tookTest = true;
function getBooks(uint ID) returns(address[]){
return StudentNames[ID].books;
contract ClassRoom {
address studentAddr;
Student student;
function ClassRoom(address addr) {
studentAddr = addr;
student = Student(addr);
function updateTookTest (uint ID) {
//working fine
function readStudentStruct (uint ID) constant returns (address, uint, bool) {
return student.StudentNames(ID);
//showing error
function readStudentStruct (uint ID) constant returns (address, uint, bool,address[]) {
return student.StudentNames(ID);
as per struct with address array function should worked but didn't.
why books array not coming in parent contract? or any way to get books array in parent contract?