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testnet: {
      provider: () => new HDWalletProvider({
        mnemonic: {
          phrase: testnetSeedPhrase,
        providerOrUrl: '',
        derivationPath: "m/44'/37310'/0'/0/",
        // Higher polling interval to check for blocks less frequently
        pollingInterval: 15e3,
      // Ref:
      network_id: 31,
      gasPrice: gasPriceTestnet,
      networkCheckTimeout: 1e6,
      timeoutBlocks: 100,
      // Higher polling interval to check for blocks less frequently
      // during deployment
      deploymentPollingInterval: 15e3,
testnet: {
      provider: () => new HDWalletProvider({
        mnemonic: {
          phrase: testnetSeedPhrase,
        providerOrUrl: '',
        derivationPath: "m/44'/37310'/0'/0/",
        // Higher polling interval to check for blocks less frequently
        pollingInterval: 15e3,
      // Ref:
      network_id: 31,
      gasPrice: gasPriceTestnet,
      networkCheckTimeout: 1e6,
      timeoutBlocks: 100,
      // Higher polling interval to check for blocks less frequently
      // during deployment
      deploymentPollingInterval: 15e3,

You can find a guide herehere on how to port Ethereum dApp to RSK.

testnet: {
      provider: () => new HDWalletProvider({
        mnemonic: {
          phrase: testnetSeedPhrase,
        providerOrUrl: '',
        derivationPath: "m/44'/37310'/0'/0/",
        // Higher polling interval to check for blocks less frequently
        pollingInterval: 15e3,
      // Ref:
      network_id: 31,
      gasPrice: gasPriceTestnet,
      networkCheckTimeout: 1e6,
      timeoutBlocks: 100,
      // Higher polling interval to check for blocks less frequently
      // during deployment
      deploymentPollingInterval: 15e3,

You can find a guide here on how to port Ethereum dApp to RSK

testnet: {
      provider: () => new HDWalletProvider({
        mnemonic: {
          phrase: testnetSeedPhrase,
        providerOrUrl: '',
        derivationPath: "m/44'/37310'/0'/0/",
        // Higher polling interval to check for blocks less frequently
        pollingInterval: 15e3,
      // Ref:
      network_id: 31,
      gasPrice: gasPriceTestnet,
      networkCheckTimeout: 1e6,
      timeoutBlocks: 100,
      // Higher polling interval to check for blocks less frequently
      // during deployment
      deploymentPollingInterval: 15e3,

You can find a guide here on how to port Ethereum dApp to RSK.

Source Link

Yes, you can easily deploy your Ethereum smart contracts to the RSK blockchain. Smart contracts for RSK can be written using Solidity and are fully compatible with Ethereum Smart Contracts, so you can migrate your existing Ethereum Smart Contract to RSK without changing the smart contract. You just need to configure your truffle-config.js file to point to RSK. Here's an example for the RSK Testnet:

testnet: {
      provider: () => new HDWalletProvider({
        mnemonic: {
          phrase: testnetSeedPhrase,
        providerOrUrl: '',
        derivationPath: "m/44'/37310'/0'/0/",
        // Higher polling interval to check for blocks less frequently
        pollingInterval: 15e3,
      // Ref:
      network_id: 31,
      gasPrice: gasPriceTestnet,
      networkCheckTimeout: 1e6,
      timeoutBlocks: 100,
      // Higher polling interval to check for blocks less frequently
      // during deployment
      deploymentPollingInterval: 15e3,


  • RSK has lower gas fees compared to Ethereum - ~2-2.5%
  • You can build and use smart contracts using the same tools/software/libraries


  • The block time is 30 sec, which is slower than 15 sec in Ethereum

You can find a guide here on how to port Ethereum dApp to RSK