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How do I use the Low quality posts queue?

Access earned at 1,000 reputation

Posts entering the Low quality posts queue have been flagged as problematic by users or recognized by the system’s quality checks to be potentially low quality. This may include:

  • questions or answers that are very short, in the wrong language or gibberish
  • new or follow-up questions written as answers
  • answers that do not attempt to answer the question asked, or that contain only links and no explanation
  • comments entered as answers (e.g. “I have the same question” or “thanks for the great answer”)

It’s important to remember that an incorrect answer is not “low quality” by our definition. If you see an incorrect answer, you should downvote it and/or leave a comment to explain the issues with the answer, not flag it.

Note: On Stack Overflow, this queue is titled "Low quality answers", and exclusively handles answers. You will not see questions in this queue.

Basic workflow

First, check to see if the post is a question or an answer; it will be labeled as "Question" or "Answer" at the top. The majority of posts in this queue will be answers.

  • Choose Looks OK for questions that are on-topic, sufficiently detailed, and not too broad. Use this option for answers that answer the question as asked, even if they may be incorrect.
  • Select Edit if the post is good quality, but you can improve the post to make it better. Avoid editing posts that should be closed or deleted, as it will remove the post from review.
  • Recommend deletion or Delete if you think that an answer does not address the question at all, is link-only, or is incomprehensible. Do not vote to delete answers that are simply wrong. You may leave a comment explaining the issues with the answer, or choose one of the provided canned comments.
  • Recommend close or Close if you think that a question should be closed (See What does it mean if a question is “closed”?).
  • Skip if you’re unsure about the post’s quality.

Some of the content of this page is adapted from information in our Meta Stack Exchange FAQ, which also contains more in-depth guidance if you are interested in reading more about this queue.