For Bytes32 to 2x int128 I have working code. I've adapted code from this stack Exchange answer

function bytes32to2xint128(bytes32 z) pure public returns (int128 x, int128 y){
    bytes16[2] memory tmp = [bytes16(0), 0];
    assembly {
        mstore(tmp, z)
        mstore(add(tmp, 16), z)

But for the inverse, 2x int128 to Bytes32, the following doesn't work and always returns

bytes32: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

function int128x2tobytes32(int128 x, int128 y) pure public returns (bytes32 z){
    assembly {
        mstore(z, x)
        mstore(add(z, 16), y)

Thanks in advance

1 Answer 1


Turns out that assembly was not required.

function int128x2tobytes32(int128 x, int128 y) pure public returns (bytes32){
    bytes32 c = bytes16(x);
    bytes32 d = bytes16(y);
    return (c>> 128) | d; 

Thanks to this medium article

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