For example I have a testing block like this:

contract('CreeptomaPresale', function(accounts) {
    describe("adopted over allow quantity", function () {
        it("test get balance", async function () {
            let instance = await CreeptomaPresale.deployed();
            console.log("deployed address:" +  address)

I can get deployed address. But now, I don't know how to get balance of this address or any other addresses.


2 Answers 2



contract('CreeptomaPresale', function(accounts) {
    describe("adopted over allow quantity", function () {
        it("test get balance", async function () {
            let instance = await CreeptomaPresale.deployed();
            console.log("deployed address:" +  instance.address);
            let balance = await web3.eth.getBalance(instance.address)
  • thanks. it worked. Can I have a little question: I write a payable function (sending transfer money from sender to contract's owner). My question is: I have list of accounts. which accounts is being used. thanks :D
    – hqt
    Apr 18, 2018 at 5:03
  • 2
    The first one. Truffle does some setup, and you're neatly passing accounts into your test. Transactions are signed {from: accounts[0]} by default. As a matter of style, I like to set up some vars for roles like owner=accounts[0], funder=, sponsor=, etc. up front and then specify who is talking every step of the way, e.g. {from: funder1} Apr 18, 2018 at 5:14
  • thanks so much. I have used this style, but it seems not work. can you take a look for me in this post. thanks. ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/46066/…
    – hqt
    Apr 18, 2018 at 16:14
  • This should be instance.address not address
    – chuacw
    Feb 17, 2021 at 8:44

For newer versions of Truffle, according to the example, it should actually be:

let balance = await web3.eth.getBalance(instance.address);

Otherwise, you will get the following error:

ReferenceError: address is not defined

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