Here is a command line JavaScript application for creating offline transactions. You can also read the full tutorial blog post.
Offline as in your private key never leaves your computer
It uses service to get the latest nonce and gas price
You can additionally supply a contract function call and arguments
* Sign an Ethereum transaction offline.
* To run:
* nvm use 7.2.1
* ./node_modules/babel-cli/bin/babel-node.js --presets es2015 --plugins transform-async-to-generator ./src/offlinetx.js --private-key 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa --value 0.95 --to 0xAaF2ac6b800398F671b0D24cb8FccC3897B6aE49 --api-key HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
import Web3 from 'web3'; //
import argv from 'optimist';
import {buildTx, getAddressFromPrivateKey} from './txbuilder';
import {API} from './etherscan';
let web3 = new Web3();
let _argv = argv.usage("offlinetx $0 --api-key 0x0000000 --private-key 0x00000000000000 --value 1.20 --to 0x1231231231")
.describe("value", "Transaction amount in ETH")
.describe("private-key", "32 bytes private key has hexadecimal format")
.describe("to", "Ethereum 0x address where to send")
.describe("nonce", "Nonce as hexacimal format, like 0x1")
.describe("api-key", " API key used to get network status")
.describe("gas-limt", "Maximum gas limit for the transaction as a hexadecmial")
.default("gas-limit", web3.toHex(200000))
.string("private-key") // Heurestics is number by default which doesn't work for bigints
.demand(["private-key", "value", "to"]);
async function run(argv) {
// Parse command line
let apiKey = argv["api-key"];
let privateKey = argv["private-key"];
let value = argv["value"];
let to = argv["to"];
let nonce = argv["nonce"];
let gasLimit = argv["gas-limit"];
if(!privateKey) {
console.error("No private key given");
if(!apiKey) {
console.error("No API key given");
// Build API wrapper object
const api = new API("", apiKey);
let fromAddress = getAddressFromPrivateKey(privateKey);
// If nonce is not given get it usig Etherscan
if(!nonce) {
nonce = await api.getTransactionCount(fromAddress);
let gasPrice = await api.getGasPrice();
value = web3.toHex(web3.toWei(value, "ether"));
// What goes into our transaction
let txData = {
contractAddress: to,
privateKey: privateKey,
nonce: nonce,
functionSignature: null, // TODO: Add contract call support here
functionParameters: null,
value: value,
gasLimit: gasLimit,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
// User readable output
let info = Object.assign({}, txData);
info.fromAddress = fromAddress;
info.gasLimitInt = parseInt(txData.gasLimit, 16);
info.gasPriceInt = parseInt(txData.gasPrice, 16);
info.weiValueInt = parseInt(txData.value, 16);
console.log("Building transaction with parameters\n", info);
let tx = buildTx(txData);
console.log("Your raw transaction is: ", tx);
console.log("Visit at to broadcast your transaction.");
.catch(function(e) {